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  • Dissolved Oxygen Meter HI9146

Dissolved Oxygen Meter HI9146

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
999 Buah


Rp. 999
Hanna Instruments merupakan produk yang dapat menjaga kualitas air sesuai dengan yang anda butuhkan.
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Detail Dissolved Oxygen Meter HI9146

Dissolved oxygen is a commonly measured 

parameter in aquaculture, wastewater 

treatment, environmental studies, ananalysis. The HI9146 is a rugged, portadissolved oxygen (DO) meter designed 

to provide high accuracy measurements 

whether in the !eld or in the lab. The features automatic calibration performeat one or two points in saturated air and/

or zero oxygen solution.All readings are 

automatically compensated for tempervariations and can be frozen on the disupon stability using the auto-end featuSalinity and altitude compensation are adjustable based on the environmental 

conditions that are present. The HI9146 

features a  Battery Error Prevention 

System (BEPS) that detects when the 

batteries become too weak to ensure 

reliable measurements. The HI9146 is 

supplied complete and ready to use.


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