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  • pH Meter Built in printer HI122

PH Meter Built In Printer HI122

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Pcs


Hanna Instruments merupakan produk yang dapat menjaga kualitas air sesuai dengan yang anda butuhkan.
Jika anda membutuhkan pH, EC/TDS, Chlorine, Turbidity dan lain - lain kami akan berikan rekomendasi alat yang cocok kepada anda.
Kami memberikan garansi untuk setiap alat yang kami tawarkan dan layanan purna jual.
Silahkan hubungi kami sekarang.

Detail PH Meter Built In Printer HI122

The HI122 is a professional pH/mV and temperature benchtop meter with a built-in printer. The built-in impact printer incorporated into the HI122 allows measurement information to be printed while in various modes. The meter comes with Hanna’s HI1131P glass pH electrode and the temperature probe HI7662-T to allow for automatic temperature compensation. The HI122 also allows for ORP measurements when used with the HI3131B ORP electrode (supplied seperately). The HI122 offers many features including CAL Check™, five-point pH calibration, data logging, comprehensive GLP data, and PC connectivity to provide users with a simple way to organize and manage their data.
  • Automatic Temperature Compensation
  • CAL Check™
  • Data Logging
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