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Hanna Instruments Indotama hubungi 085719428633
  • Thermometer Digital HI98501

Thermometer Digital HI98501

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
999 Buah


Hanna Instruments merupakan produk yang dapat menjaga kualitas air sesuai dengan yang anda butuhkan.
Jika anda membutuhkan pH, EC/TDS, Chlorine, Turbidity dan lain - lain kami akan berikan rekomendasi alat yang cocok kepada anda.
Kami memberikan garansi untuk setiap alat yang kami tawarkan dan layanan purna jual.
Silahkan hubungi kami sekarang.

Detail Thermometer Digital HI98501

The Checktemp delivers high accuracy temperature measurements over a wide range without concern for breakage or
The Checktemp offers no breakage, no waste, no injuries and no difficulty in reading; the digital display prevents a parallax error
(observing the wrong measurement due to the angle of view) and is optimized for a wide range of environmental temperatures.
Checktemp is provided with Hanna’s unique CAL Check™ function for accurate measurements every time. The Checktemp®
implements a CAL Check upon startup and reports the status as “-0-” or “Err”.
The sharp-tip probe of the Checktemp® easily penetrates semi-solid products making routine temperature checks simple
and quick for both incoming and outgoing goods. Checktemp is the ideal instrument for measuring temperature according to HACCP
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