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Turbidity Meter With Fast Tracker™ Technology, ISO HI98713

Update Terakhir
08 / 06 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Buah


Rp. 28.500.000
Hanna Instruments merupakan produk yang dapat menjaga kualitas air sesuai dengan yang anda butuhkan.
Jika anda membutuhkan pH, EC/TDS, Chlorine, Turbidity dan lain - lain kami akan berikan rekomendasi alat yang cocok kepada anda.
Kami memberikan garansi untuk setiap alat yang kami tawarkan dan layanan purna jual.
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Detail Turbidity Meter With Fast Tracker™ Technology, ISO HI98713

The HI98713 Precision ISO Turbidity

Portable Meter is specially designed

for water quality measurements,

providing reliable and accurate readings,

even within low turbidity ranges.

• Ratio Measurement Mode

· The HI98713 measures turbidity

using the ratio method with a 90°

and 180° light detector for accurate


• Multiple reading modes

· Normal, continuous,or signal averaging

measurement reading modes available.

• ISO Compliant

· The HI98713 meets and exceeds the

requirements of ISO 7027 method for

turbidity measurements by use of an

infrared LED light source.

• Calibration

· The HI98713 has a powerful calibration

function that compensates for

variation in light intensity. A two, three,

or four-point turbidity calibration can

be performed by using the supplied

(<0.1, 15, 100 and 750 FNU) standards.

Calibration points can be modified if

user-prepared standards are used.

• AMCO AEPA-1 Primary Turbidity Standard

· The AMCO AEPA-1 supplied standards

are recognized as a primary standard by

the USEPA. These non-toxic standards

are made of styrene divinylbenzene

polymer spheres that are uniform in size

and density. The standards are reusable

and stable with a long shelf life.

• GLP Data

· The HI98713 features complete GLP

(Good Laboratory Practice) functions

that allow traceability of the calibration

conditions. Data includes calibration

points, date, and time.

• Data Logging

· Up to 200 measurements can be stored

in the internal memory and recalled at

any time.

• Data Transfer

· For further storage or analysis options,

logged data can be downloaded to a

Windows® compatible PC using the

USB or RS232 port and the HI92000


• Backlit Graphic LCD Display

· A graphic LCD display provides an easy

to understand, user-friendly interface.

All messages are in plain text making

them easy to read.

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